Now that the flowers are blooming and the weather is getting sunnier, it reminds me that Spring is near. To top it off, now you can go maskless in the studio. So being able get back to normal is a great way of welcoming back Spring. While we still welcome mask usage, it is now optional.
With Spring nearing, it is time to plant! We have a few new types of pots. Hanging pots, small pots, lettered pots, and a few unique ones, we have them all. Designing these pots to welcome Spring is the way to go.
Maybe you are not a green thumb but want to paint something that gives Spring vibes? Too many pieces to choose from? I could imagine a platter that looks like a raised bed with Spring flowers coming from it.
Whatever you choose, come and relax and paint the day away. Start Spring with some you time! You can count on us to be here with a warm smile to greet you and help with design ideas!